Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lift Diary, Day 1

I'm trying to learn Scala, and /lift/. The ultimate goal really IS to learn something, but as a way to accomplish that, I'm going to use a website that I maintain (currently java, webwork, and ibatis) as a template. Rewrite that (or significant, not-necessarily-production-quality parts of it), and I'll consider it a success.

As I do various things along this journey, I plan on jotting them down here, so please forgive the inevitable sentence fragments, missing links, misconceptions, etc. This is more a jot pad of what I'm doing, as I do it, not a finalized tutorial for anyone following me.

So, on to it then.

* Download and install the latest Scala (2.7.1 final) at I'm using Windows for this. Yeah, I know.

* Setup the path, etc.

* Try it out.

Welcome to Scala version (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Java 1.6.0_05).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> object HelloWorld {
| def main(args: Array[String]) {
| println("hello, world")
| }
| }
defined module HelloWorld

scala> HelloWorld.main(null)
hello, world

Success, but I expected that.

* Download /lift/. What the deuce? You don't download lift, you let maven do it. ( Ok, no problem, I use maven roughly daily for my 'real work', so I'm ok with that.

I've used the command line below, all on one line, indents are simply for looks.

mvn archetype:generate -U

Not mentioned on the wiki, it asks for a version, then asks for confirmation for some properties its set, then completes.

(I've asked permission (since I'm kind and polite) to edit the wiki, so I can just set things right as I find them, rather than gripe about them here. Also, I've asked David if he wants me to just wiki-ize this whole experience somewhere ON the lift wiki. We'll see how that goes.)

* mvn install jetty:run

Works fine. Now to figure out how to make my OWN web app, and not blindly follow the "do this, do this, do this" pages.


At May 22, 2008 at 2:23 PM , Blogger Tyler Weir said...

"(I've asked permission (since I'm kind and polite) to edit the wiki, so I can just set things right as I find them, rather than gripe about them here."

Go ahead. If you see something amiss on the wiki, have at it.


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